The new Caddie SL Key is available to all maintained users and has the following advantages:
What is the new Caddie SL Key?
The SL key is effectively a software dongle that is installed and integrated into your computer.
Is it secure?
Yes, it utilises the same technology as a physical dongle, but using the hardware in your computer.
Can it be transferred between computers?
Yes, maybe not as quickly as just unplugging a dongle and plugging it into a different computer, but for most people the advantages will far outweigh the extra time it takes to transfer it. And when Caddie 24 is launched, it will be even easier - you will be able to effectively 'loan' the key to another machine for a fixed period of time, with it automatically being returned at the end. That has to be the ultimate in secure portability!
What if I change my computer?
You can simply transfer your Caddie SL key from your old computer to your new one and carry on.
And if I lose my computer?
If you lose your computer, you can request a replacement SL key from Caddie. For a small administration fee your old key will be cancelled and a new one issued.
What if my computer is stolen?
Again, you can request a replacement SL key from Caddie. For a small administration fee your old key will be cancelled and a new one issued.
How do I trade up?
You simply order online, pay the trade up fee online, and we will issue you with the SL Key electronically with a licence valid for 7 days. You must then return your dongle to Caddie and on receipt of the dongle we will upgrade your SL licence to the same terms that were allocated to your dongle.
Can any user trade up?
If you have a perpetual licence for Caddie you must have a valid maintenance contract to take advantage of this trade up. Alternatively if your Caddie licence is on an annual or short term licence you can trade up too. If you have a perpetual licence and are not maintained, but want to take advantage of the new SL key, speak to your local Caddie office to discuss renewing your maintenance and trading up to the new SL key.
How reliable is the SL Key?
The SL Key is just as reliable as a dongle, without the hassles. We have been testing and using the technology for over eight years now and are fully committed to the technology.
It sounds a great solution, why when I buy a new licence do I get a dongle instead?
That is all changing. Caddie will be licensed with an SL key in the future unless the user specifically requests a dongle.
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