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How can I import co-ordinate values from a file

Applies to

Caddie 14 and later 


How can I import co-ordinate values from a text or Excel file.


Within the Survey Application there is a command specifically designed to import data from a text or excel file.

To access the survey commands the Survey Application ('Surv') needs to be loaded. If this haven't been loaded, right click on and application name (such as Caddie or 3D etc) and select Survey from the list. If you can 't see it is the list , it has already been loaded.

Before importing the data a few points need to be understood. Firstly the model units will need to be changed to the units used in the data file. So for instance if the data was specified in metres, the model units will need to match. Also any text that will be added, such as point names, will be placed at the current settings of text (from TextSet). So again if the units are to be metres, ensure the text is also set to metres (2mm = 0.002M). The font used will also be the font used by the insert data dialogue.

Select the Sur=2 group 

Select 'CrdImpt'



When this command is run for the first time, you will be taken to the survey mode setup. You can also set this up at any time by using the 'Sur=1' command 'SrvMde'

survey mode setup

The origin on the drawing is the position that the imported measurement will be made from. if you use the default, the position will be the origin of the drawing (0,0). To chose another position, use the PICK button and select the required drawing position. To set it back to 0,0, use PICK and typ 0,0 (in ABS) as the value.

Choosing the hemisphere will determine the direction of the imported measurements. If in the northan hemisphere, also choose whether to use Eastings & Northings (E&N) or Y&X lables. 

Once you are happy with thes settings, select OK and you will aksed which file to use for the data. This would normally be a TXT file but excel files can also be used.

Once selected the dialogue opens where you can set out the way the data should be used.


survasy ascii input

Change the settings as required and select OK. Contruction point will be place in the drawing, at the origin originally specified in the Survey Setup, which can be snaped to, to draw lines etc.


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