Caddie Visual Image Output (Vio) Photorealistic Rendering
Caddie Vio has been developed specifically for architects and designers. Caddie Vio is ideal for quickly and easily creating high quality 3D renderings from existing Caddie 3D models or any other DWG or DXF files. Caddie Vio uses the market leading 'Lightworks' rendering engine which is used in over 80 applications and has over 2.5 million users worldwide.
Caddie Vio Provides:
Photorealistic rendering integrated into Caddie Professional
Familiar easy to use Caddie interface
Outstanding quality output to screen or file
Real time real world sun studies
Pre-configured artificial and natural lighting
Large library of pre-configured materials and textures
Easy to create user-defined materials
Pre-configured and user-defined backgrounds and foregrounds
Unrivalled support direct from Caddie staff
Caddie Vio is integrated into Caddie Professional, therefore if you do not already use Caddie Professional this must be purchased separately. If you already use Caddie, activating Caddie Vio is simple and quick once payment has been made.