An error occurs when accessing Help Dongle Info

Parent Category: FAQs
Category: Installation & Troubleshooting
Created on Wednesday, 18 January 2012 15:32
Hits: 25222

Applies to

Caddie 16 and later

Windows 7


When accessing the Help -> Dongle Info command Caddie throws an error.




This can occur if the softlock licence was not correctly installed. To rectify the problem try the following:


From the Start Menu right choose All Programs -> Caddie 17 then from the options, right click Custom Hasp Driver Installer and choose run as administrator.

The installation should complete without any errors. If an error occurs, download the latest driver from the hasp website -


At the time of writing, the download page is:


The driver to download is the latest Sentinel HASP Run-time GUI Installation. After downloading it run the installation. After completing the installation repeat the first step as follows:


From the Start Menu right choose All Programs -> Caddie 17 then from the options, right click Custom Hasp Driver Installer and choose run as administrator.


This time the installer should prompt that a later driver is already installed and only the licence file will be installed. Click OK to confirm


Start Caddie and check that the Help -> Dongle Info is now ok.