Caddie doesn't want to open on Windows 7

Parent Category: FAQs
Category: Installation & Troubleshooting
Created on Tuesday, 26 October 2010 13:06
Hits: 9977

Applies To

All versions of Caddie from Version 16


If you are experiencing problems with Caddie not opening on Windows 7, either giving you an error straight away or just opening and closing in the processes (Task Manager), it could be that you do not have an appropriate screencard driver.  It is not the definite problem, but it is a step towards eliminating the elements that could cause the problem.


Please note that this is not applicable to you if your Caddie has opened before on that exact same PC and operating system.  This is if your Caddie doesnt want to open First time around.


The problem here is that when your Windows 7 was installed, it installed a screencard driver that was from Microsoft.  This is a very nice feature from Windows 7, but this driver is not designed for applications that need hardware acceleration standards such as the drivers from the Manufacturer of the screencard itself.  And this is where the problem lies.  You need to update your drivers to the latest manufacturer driver.

To troubleshoot your problem to see if you are on the right track, you can do the following check:


1. On your Desktop, right click and go to "Screen Resolution". 




2. On the right hand side, click on "Advanced Settings"




3. Then you will see you current screencard name.  And if it has the Microsoft driver installed, it will show in brackets next to the name (Microsoft Corporation XXXX).  If this is the case, the first step will be to download the latest drivers from the manufacturer website for that specific screencard, and install it afterwards.  If this still doesnt sort out your problem, please contact Caddie support.

