Vector Linestyles Change Scales According to Annotation Scale When Read Into Other Systems

Parent Category: FAQs
Category: AEC
Created on Wednesday, 02 January 2013 16:20
Hits: 11804


When a drawing created in Caddie is worked on in some other DWG based systems the linestyle scales of the vector lines sometimes changes with the annotation scale in the modelspace. Can we stop this happening?


Applies To:

Caddie 17 onwards



Yes you can. The newer versions of DWG support a system variable called MSLTSCALE. If this is set to False then the linestyles do not scale in the modelspace whereas if you set it to True then they will scale in some software. You can change it in Caddie by going to Utilities -> System -> Set System Variable then following the prompts on the command line, or it can be changed in other fully DWG compatible software by their equivalent tools.